The World According To Bob

Bob Allen is a philosopher and cyber libertarian. He advocates for the basic human rights of men. Bob has learned to cut through the political nonsense, the propaganda hate, the surface discourse, and talk about the underlying metamessage that the front is hiding. Bob tells it like it is and lets the chips fall where they may. If you like what you read be sure to bookmark this blog and share it with your friends.

Location: United States

You can't make wrong into right by doing wrong more effectively. It's time for real MEN to stand up and take back our families, our society, and our self respect. It is not a crime to be born a man. It is not a crime to act manly.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

It really doesn't matter.

The first great victory of female suffrage was the rise to power of the German National Socialist Labor Party (Nazis). The new female voters believed all their false promises of a “daddy” state taking care of them. German females voted their emotions, swooned over the little dictator with charisma rather than thinking rationally of the future. German men, by and large, voted for a sane future, but were outvoted by the new feminist female suffrage fascists who dominated German elections in the 1930s.

In 1939 the Nazi war machine took Poland, rounded up Jews, and began preparing for its invasion of Russia.

In 1940 the Nazi war machine captured France and declared war on England.

In 1941 the Nazi war machine Invades Russia and declares war on the US.

In 1942 the Nazi war machine had killed or starved to death millions of Russian people, laid siege to Stalingrad and Leningrad, and were moving on Moscow.

Any time during those years the Nazis might have backed off and negotiated peace. Instead, like today's femiNazis, drunk with power and hate, they killed millions and enjoyed the fruits of victory. The 3rd Reich ran labor and death camps where millions of enemies died, and they made slaves out of the citizens of a dozen countries.

Any time during those years the Nazis might have negotiated peace, but they, like today's femiNazis, insanely believed themselves invincible. In 1943 the Russians army held the lines outside of Moscow at a cost of millions of their dead. In 1944 the English and Americans attacked from the west at a cost of hundreds of thousands of brave men. Today there are far more than 2 million men in prisons in the US alone, casualties of the femiNazi war on men. Millions of families have been destroyed, our children killed or missing, and men's lives ruined every day by the evil femiNazi empire. The insane Feminazi killing and destruction of men and our children goes on and on.

By the spring of 1945, with over 20 million Russian dead, the Russian army had regrouped and fought back. They were advancing on Berlin. The British and American armies had crossed the Rhine and were advancing on Berlin from the West. By then it was far, far too late for the Nazis to do anything other than surrender or die. The Nazis were never smart enough to surrender. Many young and bystander Germans died in the final battles, but those are the fortunes of war.

In a very similar manner MEN have suffered millions of deaths from the Feminazi war machine. Millions of our families have been destroyed. Millions of our children have died or been lost. A hundred million boys have been sexually mutilated in the US alone. More than ten thousand American men are tormented to death by suicide every year. Millions of men have been bound into involuntary servitude, a form of slavery, and forced to pay women under the euphemism lie called "child support." Millions of men rot and die in hell holes called Attica, Folsom, Auschwitz, Dachau, Alcatraz, Leavenworth, and by similar names. Armies of blue gun thugs, the femiNazi Gestapo, wait to round up and destroy decent men whenever another femiNazi turns him in. Our homes, our jobs, our families, and our very lives are under siege. Like millions of Nazi women who cheered as the 3rd Reich marched through Poland on it's way to Russia, today's femiNazi women cheer for every femiNazi victory and are too dumb to see the horrors of inevitable future.

But the war is not over yet. Even as you read this blog, MEN now are regrouping to fight back against the femiNazi onslaught. The tide of war is beginning to turn against the feminists. A line was held outside of Augusta when an attack by the National Council of Women's Organizations was driven back. A few brave MEN are taking out the femiNazi judges, professors, advocates, blue gun thugs, or rank and file femiNazis as their lives are sacrificed. Legislatures now consider "Equal Parenting," and "Paternity Fraud" laws instead of more and more ratcheting of misandrist hate legislation.

Any time in the past 50 years the femiNazis could have backed off and sued for peace, but they are still too hateful, too stupid, and much too drunk with victory to surrender. Many innocent females will die in the final battles, but that's the fortunes of war.

The only moral of W.W.II that is worth remembering is, "If you can't finish a war, don't start one." Somehow, the FemiNazis never learned that part of the Nazi propaganda program they copied.

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Many femiNazis and a lot of their supporters will die in the battles. In the end it really doesn't matter at all if these particular females were Feminazi leaders, or just some females who stood by and enjoyed the fruits of war. It really, really doesn't matter. Those are the fortunes of war that they either started, actively supported, or stood by and tacitly supported.

Let the FemiNazis hate mongers beware. The end is coming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In Imperial Rome they had much less fixation on life at all cost. Adoptions were generally arranged by going to a local trash heap and finding a baby that hadn't died yet. Instead of abortions, family planning was done by tossing out the unwanted newborns. Similar practices were very common throughout history, until the past couple of centuries. The Romans were quite successful and ruled for a good many centuries.

Tossing the bastard out with the bitch has a lot of historical precedent. Toss them both on the municipal trash heap and let the crows and rats have a feast.


Great prolife views BOB.

June 09, 2005 8:22 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Bob never claimed to be "prolife." Great men throughout history, Alexander the Great, Atilla, Caesar, the Great Kahn, any you can name, none of them were "prolife."

Real men learn from history.

June 09, 2005 8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do these feminazis and Nancy boy's not realize that a lot of the men's activists out in the real world are trained soldiers that are getting sick and tired of this deluded and corrupt society.

They can threaten their careers,dischage them and put them in jail.What they cannot do is take away thier knowledge or skills.

I say that if they don't get some common sense and back off they may find they will be facing a revolutionary army made up of these disaffected men.

I say that if they don't stand down and voluntarily relinquish power they will removed by force.

No sain person relishes violence,however,if you give someone no other choice then violence may become the only alternative.You just have to look at history to realize that.

June 17, 2005 11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog but a dodgy Hollywood history of WW2. Dont buy into someone else's demonisation.

August 22, 2005 5:38 AM  
Blogger gemguy56 said...

Whoa...comparing a small percent of women who have an agenda that is detrimental to men in general does not come close to what happend during the time of the Hitler and the Nazi Government.
Bad comparison and not worthy of any real useful acknowledgement.
Dont worry is not as bad as some guys are making it out to be. There has ALWAYS been a historic and notable amount of animosity between the sexes and there always will be.
In my experience there will always be bitter men and women and both sexs like to play the blame game.
Did you expect it to be any different..why would it be.
Men and women have minds of thier own and ultimately they are going to do what suits one another best ...and or try to get away with what is most benificial to themselves.Did you expect it to stay the same for ever..where men lord over women and control thier destinies in near every respect of thier lives.
Don't get me wrong...I am also stunned sometimes with what women get away with while watching the world change and evolve along with a lot of other subject matters far more important than how much women piss off men sometimes. It irkes me also when I learn of or hear about what happens to many men when subject to the power women have in some respects.
Basically we have to outsmart them... once again we have always done....and continue to build a "mans world" ...shared by women has always been the way of civilizaton anyhow.
It is just in these modern times that we find ourselves longing for the old days because the playing field is no longer as smooth and comfortable as it used to be.
We now have smarter and more wiley opponents and the opposition has the laws on thier side also...the laws that men have made and they are using them against us....but the laws will they always do and balance the field over time.....meantime some men will will suffer the twisted agenda of strong willed women..directly or indirectly.

February 05, 2011 9:51 PM  
Blogger gemguy56 said...

Whoa...comparing a small percent of women who have an agenda that is detrimental to men in general does not come close to what happend during the time of the Hitler and the Nazi Government.
Bad comparison and not worthy of any real useful acknowledgement.
Dont worry is not as bad as some guys are making it out to be. There has ALWAYS been a historic and notable amount of animosity between the sexes and there always will be.
In my experience there will always be bitter men and women and both sexs like to play the blame game.
Did you expect it to be any differnet..why would it be.
Men and women have minds of thier own and ultimately they are going to do what suits one another best ...and or try to get away with what is most benificial to themselves.Did you expect it to stay the same for ever..where men lord over women and control thier destinies in near every respect of thier lives.
Don't get me wrong...I am also stunned sometimes with what women get away with while watching the world change and evolve along with a lot of other subject matters far more important than how much women piss off men sometimes. It irkes me also when I learn of or hear about what happens to many men when subject to the power women have in some respects.
Basically we have to outsmart them... once again we have always done....and continue to build a "mans world" ...shared by women has always been the way of civilizaton anyhow.
It is just in these modern times that we find ourselves longing for the old days because the playing field is no longer as smooth and comfortable as it used to be.
We now have smarter and more wiley opponents and the opposition has the laws on thier side also...the laws that men have made and they are using them against us....but the laws will they always do and balance the field over time.....meantime some men will will suffer the twisted agenda of strong willed women..directly or indirectly.

February 05, 2011 9:53 PM  
Blogger gemguy56 said...

Whoa...comparing a small percent of women who have an agenda that is detrimental to men in general does not come close to what happend during the time of the Hitler and the Nazi Government.
Bad comparison and not worthy of any real useful acknowledgement.
Dont worry is not as bad as some guys are making it out to be. There has ALWAYS been a historic and notable amount of animosity between the sexes and there always will be.
In my experience there will always be bitter men and women and both sexs like to play the blame game.
Did you expect it to be any differnet..why would it be.
Men and women have minds of thier own and ultimately they are going to do what suits one another best ...and or try to get away with what is most benificial to themselves.Did you expect it to stay the same for ever..where men lord over women and control thier destinies in near every respect of thier lives.
Don't get me wrong...I am also stunned sometimes with what women get away with while watching the world change and evolve along with a lot of other subject matters far more important than how much women piss off men sometimes. It irkes me also when I learn of or hear about what happens to many men when subject to the power women have in some respects.
Basically we have to outsmart them... once again we have always done....and continue to build a "mans world" ...shared by women has always been the way of civilizaton anyhow.
It is just in these modern times that we find ourselves longing for the old days because the playing field is no longer as smooth and comfortable as it used to be.
We now have smarter and more wiley opponents and the opposition has the laws on thier side also...the laws that men have made and they are using them against us....but the laws will they always do and balance the field over time.....meantime some men will will suffer the twisted agenda of strong willed women..directly or indirectly.

February 05, 2011 9:54 PM  

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